23 - 27 July 2025
Tolmin, Slovenia


There were a lot of questions about camping at Tolminator Metal Fest II, so here’s couple of information about it: -Camp opens on Monday, 22. 7. 2024 at 12:00 (see Early Arrival terms below!*) -Camp closes on Sunday, 28. 7. 2024 at 12:00 -Camping is available to festival guests free of charge from Wednesday, 24. 7. 2024, but is a subject to possession of a valid festival-ticket! -Camping & parking areas are divided in 2 different sections: 1. parking & camping areas – field 2. camping only – woods Camping is at one’s own risk, festival promoter accepts no responsibility in any case! -Group camping! We offer group camping for groups of minimum 25 people. We accept reservations until 1. 7. 2024 on the info@tolminator.com email. Please note, we will keep your group camp ground reserved only until Tuesday, 23. 7. 2024, till 18.00. After that time it will be open to all guests. Group camping reservations through email: info@tolminator.com *Early arrival is subject to Early Arrival fee 20€ for arriving on Monday and 10€ on Tuesday with possession of a valid festival ticket! MORE INFO AT: https://tolminator.com/festival-abc/ Ticket shop: https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/en/all.html Event: Tolminator Metal Fest 2024 TOLMINATOR METAL FEST II24.7.

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Hi everyone, here’s a couple of fresh and really exciting news: After years of uncertainty and intense political battles, escalated right after the devastating pandemic, we can finally relax a little. Tolminator Metal Fest will remain in its current location for the next four years with a couple of minor changes, except for a substantial increase in the festival tax—alternatively known as the tourist tax—which has risen from 7,500 to a staggering 40,000 EUR starting this year. In summary, we have a four-year reprieve, and 2027 appears to be the final year for Tolminator Metal Fest in Tolmin. Again, this are really exiting news for me and my crew. Something like that never happened before and we’re more than happy to know that we are welcome in Tolmin for at least until 2027. “Mayor Alen Červ presented the proposal for the Decree on the conditions for the organization and implementation of festivals along the Sotočje River until 2027 in the introduction to point 3. As he pointed out, the municipality prepared it together with the representatives of all council lists, they devoted a lot of time and coordination to the work, and invited a wide range of stakeholders to participate.

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Hi everyone! We got a lot of questions about the children at the festival. So here’s a couple of explanations: -For children under the age of 12, the entrance is free. -Please note, that children can only enter the festival grounds if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with a valid Tolminator ticket. -Children of all ages are very welcome at our festival, but be a responsible parent or legal guardian and make sure your children wear sound protection at all times when being near or in front of any stages or in areas where music is loud! Please also keep in mind that earplugs that are used on the festival area a lot by adults are not an efficient and sufficient sound protection for those little fragile ears. The only sound protection that should be used are the real sound protectors (headphones). -Wearing sound protection as written above is mandatory; so we have to remind you that anyone who will try to disobey this very strict rule, will be removed from the festival area with revoked access, without any further explanation. More info: www.tolminator.com (abc section) Event: Tolminator Metal Fest 2024 TOLMINATOR METAL FEST II24.7. – 28.7. 2024Tolmin,

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Watch the shows from your unicorn floatie! The Underground Stage is moving to the beach! And this is another reason why we are so excited about yesterday’s news. That means beach stage for at least another 4 years, woohoo! I understand that some of you are feeling down because 2027 could be the end of a festival era in Tolmin, but that means we are assured for the next 4 years, and something like that has never happened before. Usually it’s not more than one year ahead, and then again and again, it’s like nonstop hustle level 666. Plus, who knows what happens in the next 4 years? It’s a long period, and we will do everything we can to make your extreme metal vacation the best possible experience, and we can plan years ahead. I’m pretty sure we will find solutions before any problems could possibly occure, especially working closely with the municipality and mayor. And yes, for now, Metal stays in Tolmin and that’s fuckin’ awesome. Oh yeah, did I mention the BEACH STAGE!? Fuck yeah, TOLMINATOR BEACH STAGE!!! Grab a ticket and join us at Tolminator Metal Fest 2024. Cheers and stay Metal \m/ Ticket shop: https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/en/all.html

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We offer group camping for groups of minimum 25 people. This feature is free of charge.We accept reservations until 1.7.2024 at the info@tolminator.com email.Please note, we will keep your group camp ground reserved only until Tuesday, 23.7.2024, till 18:00. After that time it will be open to all guests. See you all this summer in Tolmin, Slovenia! Ticket shop: https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/en/all.htmlEvent: Tolminator Metal Fest 2024 TOLMINATOR METAL FEST II24.7. – 28.7. 2024Tolmin, Slovenia

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TOLMINATOR FLOW RAMPS Guess what! My bros from FLOW RAMPS are coming back to Tolminator with bigger ramp and with couple of super cool upgrades! Can’t wait to reveal more about it – excitement level 666! Skate & thrash 666 Have a sick Saturday and stay Metal as Fuck \m/ Cheers Ticket shop: https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/en/all.html Event: Tolminator Metal Fest 2024 TOLMINATOR METAL FEST II24.7. – 28.7. 2024TOLMIN SLOVENIA

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Sorry English speaking folks, this one is for the locals from the Municipality of Tolmin, as they get a discount on their festival pass… Festival ticket price for locals is 70€. Everyone with a permanent residence in the municipality of Tolmin is eligible for it. Event: Tolminator Metal Fest 2024 TOLMINATOR METAL FEST II24.7. – 28.7. 2024Tolmin, Slovenia

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YEAH! LIMITED AMOUNT OF DAILY TICKETS ARE ON SALE! REMEMBER, ONLY 200 DAILY TICKETS PER DAY! DON’T WAIT TOO LONG, GET YOURS NOW AND STAY METAL AS FUCK  DAY 1 / JULY 24th 2024 https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/en/tolminator-2024-daily-ticket-wednesday-24-7-2024/tickets-1180064.html  DAY 2 / JULY 25th 2024 https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/en/tolminator-2024-daily-ticket-thursday-25-7-2024/tickets-1180065.html  DAY 3 / JULY 26th 2024 https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/en/tolminator-2024-daily-ticket-friday-26-7-2024/tickets-1180066.html  DAY 4 / JULY 27th 2024 https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/en/tolminator-2024-daily-ticket-saturday-27-7-2024/tickets-1180067.html

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Me and my team have had quite a struggle to get everything done in time, but here it is!  Let me present you the Kings of Doom/Stoner Metal ELECTRIC WIZARD! One of the four daily headliners!   On the main stage please welcome JUNGLE ROT and DÖDSRIT!  On the Underground stage we present you the following headliner and coheadliners: STILLBIRTH, DUST BOLT, MONOCHROMATIC BLACK, MEZZROW, NEMESIS, INFEST, DUSK and DEZAZTRE NATURAL!  As you know, we accept only applications done at the festival itself for the Underground stage. Yes, this means that you must come to the festival and leave your application at the Info point.  This year we picked the following awesome bands! All these bands will also sell tickets, so support them by buying the tickets from them! Please welcome… (divided by country, so you know where to get your closest tickets from bands)  Representing Slovenia: KAMRA, SAMPERIUM, DETHRONE THE CORRUPTED, SOVRAG  Representing Germany: BATTLESWORD, PUBLIC GRAVE, FALSE CROWN  Representing Belgium: CARRION, PATRONESS, BEHIND BARS  Representing Italy: ASTRAL PARALYSIS, CHRONIC HATE  Representing Austria: NEKRODEUS  Representing Switzerland: TOTAL ANNIHILATION  Representing UK: CONTRACT KILLER  Representing Lebanon/The Netherlands: SLAVE TO SIRENS  Representing Malta: THY LEGION  Representing Israel: ETERNAL STRUGGLE  With this the lineup

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The early bird tickets are SOLD OUT! 

Thank you all for making this happen, we actually sold more tickets as early birds as we intended to. But we said that they are going to be available until 1.1. 2024 and we stuck by it! Tickets are still available but are now at the regular price of 170 euro. Ticket shop: https://tolminator.mojekarte.si/ We are planning an announcement in the second part of January. In the announcement, there will be many bands playing the Underground stage that will sell the tickets as well. They will surely appreciate the support if you buy the tickets directly from them. Thank you again, 2024 will be the year of the Tolminator!

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Hi everyone, here’s a couple of fresh and really exciting news: After years of uncertainty and intense political battles, escalated right after the devastating pandemic,

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Watch the shows from your unicorn floatie! The Underground Stage is moving to the beach! And this is another reason why we are so excited

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We offer group camping for groups of minimum 25 people. This feature is free of charge.We accept reservations until 1.7.2024 at the info@tolminator.com email.Please note,

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TOLMINATOR FLOW RAMPS Guess what! My bros from FLOW RAMPS are coming back to Tolminator with bigger ramp and with couple of super cool upgrades!

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Sorry English speaking folks, this one is for the locals from the Municipality of Tolmin, as they get a discount on their festival pass… Festival

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